

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane....

So at 4:00am this morning, the Livster must have known something was up, because she decided to wake up demanding attention. She wasnt just hungry and wet, as soon as I changed her she was wide eyed & bushy tailed smiling at the world. It was weird because she normally doesn't wake up at 4am, but today mommy had to take a 1 day business trip to Florida and had to leave for the airport at 4:30am. So she got to see a smiling Olivia right before she had to leave. Things like that make my morning....they would make it better if it was at 7am but you get the point. Lisa literally just landed within the hour, and even though she would normally be at work, the munch and I miss her so much already. I know it has to be even harder on her, leaving her oh so qute munchkin and her good looking husband back in Chicago, but I assure you mommy....she is in good hands, and will be in bed by 10pm, with no junk food! Poor kid doesn't have any teeth yet so it's not like she is giong to splurge.

For the most part, all is quiet on the western front. Olivia is starting to get into a new routine, but a daily routine none the less. She takes a 2 hour nap from 9ish to 11ish and then a long afternoon nap from 4ish to 7ish. She is getting wise to her antibiotic, and the strawberry flavoring is not masking the chalky nasty taste very well. So unfortunately she has started to purse her lips and stick out her tongue and try to refuse it... but it is doing its job so we have to keep out-smarting her for another week.

Now I have to go take care of the munch because she is crying. Apparently she does not like my cover of Peter, Paul, & Mary's "Leaving on a Jet Plane"....

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