

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Spoke too soon...

So I am that guy in the car who says "wow, traffic is moving great today"... and then nothing but brake lights. Well I guess I should expect nothing less than that when I talk about the Glenn headaches had all but disappeared. The last 2 days Olivia has gone to bed peacefully and quiet with her lovie (a gift from Hope NICU) and her favorite stuffed animal... Mr. Duck-Frog (he is a duck in a frog costume). Four hours later she wakes up S C R E A M I N G! At first we thought she was just super hungry because after we fed her she went back to bed. That morning same screaming. Today, same exact thing, except this time after I fed her at 6am she kept screaming... you know the "I'm in pain" kind. So I called the all knowing mommy at work who had me feel her soft spot on her head which was just throbbing so we gave her some tylenol and called it a day. She took a morning snooze in her swing...inclined... and she was happy as a clam when she woke up. So now we just have to keep her inclined in bed so the blood doesn't rush to her head and night and give her a headache. The problem is that this little munchkin is like a clock at night and spins around like a record player round round. But if mommy and daddy can't outsmart a 4 month old then we are in trouble.

Her days are getting better. The weather here has been beautiful all week so the Livster has enjoyed a stroll around the neighborhood at least once a day. Her napping is getting back into a routine and today she started to attempt to give high fives to her grandma and uncle. I say attempt because lets be honest she is just sticking her hand out there.... but the important thing is that she is starting to copy people. After her bath, I finished reading the Disney book Aladdin to her and then when mommy went out to a family dinner, we decided to pop in the DVD, make some popcorn and dance to the tunes. But apparently the munch got bored with the simple plot line and decided to take a snooze. Now mommy is home, feeding the munch and we are all exhausted from the last couple of "loud" nights. Hopefully the rest of the week will be much improved, and I won't have to worry about running into any traffic.


  1. Hopefully it will be just a little longer with the headaches. The month after the Glenn was hard, but it gets so much easier. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Awww..poor baby! Those headaches are the worst! :( Hope she gets used to that new circulation soon! :(
